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Basic HTML Tags


Different HTML tags are used to organize and style material on websites. When used correctly, these tags enable browsers to accurately comprehend and display webpages. Beginning HTML coders should be familiar with some of the most basic tags, which are used for basic text formatting and page layout.

The fundamental tags that go into creating the building blocks and structure of an HTML document will be covered in this introduction. We’ll explain some basic tags every HTML beginner is expected to know:

<!– Comment: Defines a comment –>

<!DOCTYPE> <!– Document Type: Defines the document type –>

<a> <!– Hyperlink: Defines a hyperlink –>

<abbr> <!– Abbreviation: Defines an abbreviation or an acronym –>

<acronym> <!– Acronym: Not supported in HTML5acronym –>

<address> <!– Address: Defines information for the author/owner of a document –>

<area> <!– Area: Defines an area inside an image map –>

<article> <!– Article: Defines an article –>

<aside> <!– Aside: Defines content aside from the page content –>

<audio> <!– Audio: Defines embedded sound content –>

<b> <!– Bold: Defines bold text –>

<base> <!– Base: Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document –>

<button> <!– Button: Defines a clickable button –>

<caption> <!– Caption: Defines a table caption –>

<center> <!– Center: Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines centered text –>

<cite> <!– Cite: Defines the title of a work –>

<code> <!– Code: Defines a piece of computer code –>

<col> <!– Column: Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element–>

<colgroup> <!– Colgroup: Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting –>

<data> <!– Data: Adds a machine-readable translation of a given content –>

<datalist> <!– Datalist: Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls –>


<dd> <!– Definition Description: Defines a description/value of a term in a description list –>

<del> <!– Deleted Text: Defines text that has been deleted from a document –>

<details> <!– Details: Defines additional details that the user can view or hide –>

<dfn> <!– Definition: Specifies a term that is going to be defined within the content –>

<dialog> <!– Dialog: Defines a dialog box or window –>

<dir> <!– Directory: Not supported in HTML5. Use <ul> instead. Defines a directory list –>

<div> <!– Division: Defines a section in a document –>

<dl> <!– Description List: Defines a description list –>

<dt> <!– Definition Term: Defines a term/name in a description list –>

<em> <!– Emphasis: Defines emphasized text –>

<embed> <!– Embed: Defines a container for an external application –>

<fieldset> <!– Fieldset: Groups related elements in a form –>

<figcaption> <!– Figcaption: Defines a caption for a <figure> element –>

<figure> <!– Figure: Specifies self-contained content –>

<footer> <!– Footer: Defines a footer for a document or section –>

<font> <!– Font: Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines font, color, and size for text –>

<form> <!– Form: Defines an HTML form for user input –>

<frame> <!– Frame: Not supported in HTML5. Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset –>

<frameset> <!– Frameset: Not supported in HTML5. Defines a set of frames –>

<h1> to <h6> <!– Headings: Defines HTML headings –>

<head> <!– Head: Contains metadata/information for the document –>

<header> <!– Header: Defines a header for a document or section –>

<hgroup> <!– Head Group: Defines a header and related content –>

<hr> <!– Horizontal Rule: Defines a thematic change in the content –>

<html> <!– HTML: Defines the root of an HTML document –>

<i> <!– Italics: Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood –>

<iframe> <!– Inline Frame: Defines an inline frame –>

<img> <!– Image: Defines an image –>

<input> <!– Input: Defines an input control –>

<ins> <!– Inserted Text: Defines a text that has been inserted into a document –>

<kbd> <!– Keyboard Input: Defines keyboard input –>

<label> <!– Label: Defines a label for an <input> element –>

<legend> <!– Legend: Defines a caption for a <fieldset> element –>

<li> <!– List Item: Defines a list item –>

<link> <!– Link: Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource (most used to link to style sheets) –>

<main> <!– Main: Specifies the main content of a document –>

<map> <!– Map: Defines an image map –>

<mark> <!– Mark: Defines marked/highlighted text –>

<menu> <!– Menu: Defines an unordered list –>

<meta> <!– Metadata: Defines metadata about an HTML document –>

<meter> <!– Meter: Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge) –>

<nav> <!– Navigation: Defines navigation links –>

<ol> <!– Ordered List: Defines an ordered list –>

<optgroup> <!– Option Group: Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list –>

<option> <!– Option: Defines an option in a drop-down list –>

<output> <!– Output: Defines the result of a calculation –>

<p> <!– Paragraph: Defines a paragraph –>

<param> <!– Parameter: Defines a parameter for an object –>

<picture> <!– Picture: Defines a container for multiple image resources –>

<pre> <!– Preformatted Text: Defines preformatted text –>

<progress> <!– Progress: Represents the progress of a task –>

<q> <!– Quotation: Defines a short quotation –>

<rp> <!– Ruby Parenthesis: Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations –>

<rt> <!– Ruby Text: Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography) –>

<ruby> <!– Ruby Annotation: Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography) –>

<s> <!– Strikethrough: Defines text that is no longer correct –>

<samp> <!– Sample Output: Defines sample output from a computer program –>

<script> <!– Script: Defines a client-side script –>

<search> <!– Search: Defines a search section –>

<section> <!– Section: Defines a section in a document –>

<select> <!– Select: Defines a drop-down list –>

<small> <!– Small: Defines smaller text –>

<source> <!– Source: Defines multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and <audio>) –>

<span> <!– Span: Defines a section in a document –>

<strike> <!– Strikethrough: Not supported in HTML5. Use <del> or <s> instead. Defines strikethrough text –>

By learning how and when to implement these tags properly, you’ll gain the fundamental skills needed to craft well-structured, readable HTML documents

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